Ethernet Controllers
●The 7100A device is an Ethernet controller SoC featuring an "un-attackable" hardware network engine for preventing network attacks such as flooding, spoofing and injection. The W5200 device does not have the on-chip microcontroller and needs to be connected to an external host via an SPI serial bus.
●iMCU W7100A Ethernet Controller SoC
●8051-core SoC with hardwired TCP/IP protocol stack, MAC and PHY
●Hardwired TCP/IP Protocols: TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4 ARP, IGMP, PPPoE
●Support for ADSL connection (PPPoE Protocol with PAP/CHAP Authentication mode support)
●10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet PHY Embedded
●Support for Auto-Negotiation (Full/Half Duplex)
●Support for Auto-MDIX
●Code memory: 2KB Boot ROM, 64KB Flash EPROM
●Data Memory: 256B Flash EPROM, 64KB RAM
●Memory Lock Function
●Up to 4 x 8-bit GPIO Ports (3.3V logic level, 5V tolerant, with Pull-Up/Pull-Down)
●Full-duplex UART
●Programmable Watchdog Timer
●DoCD & trade compatible debugger
●Power-Down mode
●Power supply: +3.0V to +3.6Vdc
●Operating temperature range: -40 to +80°C
●Package: QFN64 (RS 758-1045)
●iEthernet W5200 Ethernet Controller
●Hardwired TCP/IP Protocols: TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4 ARP, IGMP, PPPoE
●Support for ADSL connection (PPPoE Protocol with PAP/CHAP Authentication mode support)
●10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet PHY Embedded
●Support for Auto-Negotiation (Full/Half Duplex)
●Support for Auto-MDIX
●Host Communication: High Speed Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI Mode 0,3)
●Internal 32KB RAM memory for TCP/IP packet processing
●Power-Down mode with Wake-on-LAN
●Power supply: +3.0V to +3.6Vdc
●Operating temperature range: -40 to +85°C
●Package: QFN48 (RS 758-1048)
●### 以太网通信
●一系列以太网通信控制器、收发器和交换 IC